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Affichage des articles du 2017

Barack Obama gives "Medal of Freedom" to Ellen Degeneres

Barack Obama gives "Medal of Freedom" to Ellen Degeneres

Dog Whisperer: Trainer Walks Pack Of Dogs Without A Leash

Dogs Protecting Their Owners Real Life Footage

Dogs Protecting Their Owners Real Life Footage

Dog Says The Final Goodbye to his Dying Owner In Hospital

Planet French Coaching Breakins News

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VERY Long Hair


Makeup isn’t too recent. It has been there ever since the civilisations existed. Egyptian women wore makeup, Indian women, for instance, reddened their lips by consuming beetle leaves for staining their lips and used soot to line their eyes, the present day kohl. Women find makeup empowering in many ways: Many women find makeup offering a boost in confidence that helps the good feeling hormones kick in.  At their place of study, work place and parties, a little makeup not just heightens the glam quotient but also leads to a variable degree of confidence in women. This might just be the application of a little mascara or even a lipstick, foundation and bronzer. A lot of youngsters wish to look older . This is possible with makeup that has the ability to transform that babyish face into a matured one! Other the other side, women who have crossed the threshold of 30s wish to reduce their age . A variety of cosmetics can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines to mak...

Why Are Some Individuals More Flexible Than Others?

Here are a number of different factors that may contribute to why some people are more flexible than others. Genetics, gender, exercise history and other reasons contribute to a person’s flexibility. Let’s dive deeper into what makes a person flexible. Your Age Aging is a major factor when it comes to flexibility. As you age, your muscles and joints become stiffer and less flexible. Also, having an inactive lifestyle and not stretching regular throughout your life can accelerate your inflexibility as you age. It is recommended to stay active, limber and healthy throughout your life. Exercise and Work History If you’ve spent a majority of your life in an office job, sitting and leaning forward to look at your computer, your body will suffer in the long run. Sitting for long periods of time will cause your flexibility to gradually diminish. Gender (Are Women More Flexible Than Men?) Gender surprisingly plays a role in flexibility as well. In general, women are typicall...

Which fast food fries are the healthiest?

8 Chick-Fil-A Waffle Potato Fries. ... 7 Wendy's Natural-Cut Fries. ... 6 Jack In The Box French Fries. ... 5 KFC Seasoned Potato Wedges. ... 4 Sonic Natural Cut Fries. ... 3 Arby's Curly Fries (*Snack Size) ... 2 Burger King French Fries (*Value Size) ... 1 McDonald's World Famous Fries.

Is The French Manicure Really French?

Not  exactly. Some say that Max Factor introduced the style to Parisian fashionistas as early as the 1930s, but most believe that the style didn’t come into popularity for another 40 years. In the 1970s, Orly’s creator Jeff Pink noticed a problem on movie sets: every time an actress changed wardrobe, the nail artists would have to remove her nail color and apply another shade to match her next outfit. This became pretty tedious after a while, so Pink suggested a two-toned natural look that would work with every outfit. The movie industry ate it up, but so did the fashion runways when Pink brought it to France. It wasn’t until the trend caught on in the fashion industry that Americans noted the style and aptly called it a “French manicure.” So Do the French Even Get French Manicures? Not  really. Parisian nail salons often call this manicure, “American nails,” because it’s more something that American women tend to do. Most French women tend to manicure t...

Things to Do in Paris

1 Eiffel Tower What would Paris be without its symbolic Eiffel Tower? Built by  Gustave Eiffel  to commemorate the centenary of the French Revolution, it is presented at the Exposition Universelle in Paris in 1889.  324 meters high , it is one of the most visited monuments in the world with nearly 7 million visitors a year. The first floor houses the  Eiffel Tower 58  which extends over two levels, 58 meters above the ground as its name suggests. On the second floor, the view is the best at 115 meters because you have a diving view on the ground below. Finally on the 3rd floor at 275 meters, you can see what the office of Gustave Eiffel was. For the more adventurous one, it is possible to use the stairs and climb the steps (1,665 to the summit). 2 Notre Dame Cathedral One of the most enduring symbols of Paris:  Notre-Dame de Paris , also known as Notre Dame, a Roman Catholic cathedral is located on the eastern half of the  Ile de l...

Multilingual People

How many languages do you speak?  Are you  monolingual ,  bilingual ,  trilingual ,  multilingual , or  polyglot ? After reading this article, we would appreciate sharing your experience with us, by commenting below, especially if you speak more than one language. Let’s start by looking at the definition first: Monolingual : A person knowing only one language (40% of world population) Bilingual : A person using or able to use two languages especially with equal fluency (43% of world population) Trilingual : A person speaking three languages fluently (13% of world population) Multilingual : A person who speaks more than two languages, but used often for four languages or more (3% of world population speak more than 4 languages) Polyglot : Someone with a high degree of proficiency in several languages (less than 1‰ of world population speak 5 languages fluently) A monolingual is someone who knows only one language. Statistically, that fact i...

11 Reasons To Drink A Tbsp Of Apple Cider Vinegar Daily + More Uses

1. It Will Help Your Body Maintain a Healthy Alkaline pH Level Most of us tend to be more acidic than alkaline. One of the first steps toward better health is a body that’s more alkaline. As the acid-alkaline balance is essential, with so many bodily functions occurring only at a certain level of acidity or alkalinity, the body is constantly striving to achieve a state of equilibrium. Just a small change in pH can have a profound effect on body functioning. 2. Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar Helps to Regulate Blood Sugar A study conducted out of Arizona State University by professor and director of the Nutrition Department Dr. Carol Johnston supports the therapeutic effects of drinking apple cider vinegar, particularly those who are at risk for type 2 diabetes. The authors of the study, which was presented at the 2013 Experimental Biology Conference in Boston, noted that ingesting ACV at meal time increased satiety and reduced postprandial glycemia, both metabolic effe...
1. AYEZ DE BONNES SOURCES DE MOTIVATION Cela peut sembler évident, mais si vous n’avez pas une bonne raison d’apprendre une langue, vous aurez moins de chances de rester motivé sur le long terme. Par exemple, vouloir en mettre plein la vue à d’autres francophones avec votre anglais ne fait pas partie de ce qu’on pourrait appeler une bonne source de motivation ; au contraire, Apprendre l'anglais pour communiquer directement avec des anglophones dans leur langue maternelle est une excellente raison d’apprendre la langue. Peu importe vos motivations, une fois que vous avez choisi la langue que vous souhaitez apprendre, il est crucial de s’y tenir et de ne pas lâcher : « J’ai décidé d’apprendre telle langue et je vais faire tout mon possible pour qu’elle envahisse mon quotidien. ». 2. IMMERGEZ-VOUS DANS LA LANGUE Vous vous êtes engagé, très bien. Mais ensuite, comment faire ? Existe-t-il des méthodes d’apprentissage plus efficaces que d’autres ? Matthew, lui, recommande l...